Many beautiful places in the World.

Beautiful places in Lovina Beach

Bali Island to save a million charm and uniqueness that no one doubt it. One of Bali's charm always enthralling pengunjang is the existence of Lovina Beach. Lovina beach so it is called, is an attraction beaches in North Bali coast.

  Exact location of which is located 10 km south-west of Singaraja City which is located in Kalibukbuk Village, Buleleng regency, Bali. Characteristics of this beach a beach with black sand that looks very natural. Lovina area is very popular with wild dolphins in the sea.

On the beach there are hundreds of dolphins that often beratraksi. Visitors who want to see the dolphins have to go to sea as early in the morning. Occurrences of dolphins between the hours of 6:00 to 8:00 am local time. Beratraksi dolphins will jump into the water in a long time.

  That is the time when visitors be amazed by the attraction of wild dolphins do. Not only attraction, wild dolphins also swim alongside that adds to the admiration of visitors. Visitors can see dolphins up close to the boat hire special. However, do not forget to bring your camera so that it can be enshrined rare moment perfectly.

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