Many beautiful places in the World.

beautiful mountain in Indonesia

Merbabu located in Magelang and Boyolali area with an altitude of 3,142 masl. Merbabu is one of the most beautiful mountain in Indonesia. Merbabu mountain climbing this mountain is quite popular because it has a difficulty level that is not too high, but the scenery is beautiful presented. Mountain climbing lane is the oldest Merbabu Thekelan path. After that comes another climbing lane lines as cello lines, paths and trails wekas Chuntel

Merbabu in the know have 7 pieces 2 peaks with the highest peak of the peak Syarif (3,119 masl) and Triangulation Peak (3142 masl). 5 other peak is Watugubuk, Watutulis, Gegersapi, Ondorante and Kentengsongo. The mountain also features 5 Condrodimuko crater is the crater, crater Kombang, Kendang, fiddle, and Sambernyowo crater.

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