Many beautiful places in the World.

Teluk Lasori Beach

 Looking forward to a vacation or sabbatical leave for every person is very overdue homecoming feast moment some people use it long enough, not for a friendship with the family-and not for just regular roads, off fatigue of work piling up and sometimes make a small brain can not think anymore.

Making a holiday trip as a moment that trip was not in vain and wasted just like that, it is the outside of our thinking.

Maximize time, energy, thought, to enjoy the wild beauty of our own area which was still a lot of very exotic sights, deserves to be enjoyed, maintained the existence and sustainability.

There's no theme to this trip, because some land on the island of Buton which we explored before, where most give a very beautiful moment to be remembered. .

Beautiful places miss the trip away from East Kalimantan (Balikpapan), South Sulawesi (Makassar), Morowali, Sorowako, North Kolaka then to Luwuk, Bungku, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi continued to (Kendari) and do not forget taking the time to come in city ​​Raha, Muna.

Credit picture : Arsyawala Anadalle

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