Many beautiful places in the World.

Beautiful places in Gunung Kidul "Kota Gaplek"

Gunungkidul Gaplek nicknamed the City because the city does have the Tiwul typical food made ​​from cassava. And this didaereh citizens largely subsistence farmers who use lahanya to plant corn, soybeans, beans and cassava. The residents were sometimes consume Tiwul as a substitute staple food rice.

Gunungkidul is a district in Yogyakarta Special Region is rich in a variety of sights and specialties. There are a lot of beaches in this area, one of which has a function as a tourism asset for the region and become a destination for tourists.

Maybe it could be said that the city is a thousand Gunungkidul beach. Because of the many beach areas and lined with charming white sand.


No less exotic beach in Gunungkidul this with other city beaches. In fact, beaches in this city famous for its clean beaches. For example: Baron Beach, Beach Ngrenehan, Indrayanti Beach, Kukup Beach, Beach Krakal, Ngobaran Beach and many other more enchanting beaches in Gunungkidul.

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