Many beautiful places in the World.

Stunning beauty Menganti Beach, Beautiful places in Southern coast of Java

 Beautiful places in Southern coast of Java
menganti beach
Southern coast of Java endless beaches invite admiration . Each region has beaches that are so beautiful as well as Kebumen . The district has some interesting pieces and mandatory beaches to visit , one of which is a beach located in the village Menganti Karangduwur . Hidden in a series of limestone mountains , beach Menganti slowly stealing the attention of the tourists although currently not as popular as other beaches .

Menganti beach is located not far from the beach father , only about 10 km to the east . It is not difficult to reach this beach because tourists just follow the path south roads in the District 's father . After about 7 km there is a signpost to the beach . From the main road , tourists still have to go through about 3 km further to get to the beach . Once past the "entrance " , the trip will be a little extreme because there are a lot of sharp turns and sharp derivative so be extra careful . Having successfully conquered the hurdles will seem a magnificent sight . A white sandy beach decorated fishing boats and charming hills .

Flanked by two hills on the west and east , Beach Menganti save a lot of natural charm that is certainly not to be missed . Many things are the main attraction of the beach Menganti , among others, a privileged white sand . Other beaches in Kebumen generally sandy beach Menganti black but has white sand beaches would make it a special appeal on the other coast . Moreover , in most of the shoreline is lined with rocks visible along several hundred meters . In these rocks , tourists can relax for a while or try " hunting " animals that were there like crabs or small fish that swim among the rocks .

Menganti beach not only offers beautiful beaches but also offers beauty and lush green hills . Scenery is so beautiful Menganti Beach , tourists can enjoy while watching the ocean waves with coconut trees and towering cliffs . If you look to the east side of the beach it looked a tower that stands on top of a hill , beautiful places . The tower appears to contrast with the surrounding landscape so it is very exciting to be stared at from a distance . With all the beauty and uniqueness of the offer, Menganti Beach will eventually be excellent for tourists who were vacationing in Kabupaen Kebumen .

 Beautiful places in Southern coast of Java

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