Many beautiful places in the World.

Kilo 12 of charm, Beautiful places

This beautiful place whose name barely away from aesthetic beauty. 12 pounds so the name given to a hill located Inn beside the road leading to the village of Fatumnasi. Why is this beautiful place, because of the extraordinary onboard enchantment. From this place, wide eyes will look upon the hills and the Valley to the mountain towering Mutis 2,247 mdpl.

South Central Timor Regency, a Regency in East Nusa Tenggara. TTS is a County with a wealth of nature. From the waterfront to the Summit of the highest mountain on the island of Timor. Not wrong if the County has tremendous tourism potential, but unfortunately have not touched properly.

The village of Fatumnasi with a wealth of exceptional landscape panorama does not stop at just 12 Pounds. One of the goals is Fatu Kolen selanjutny, Taapan, Fatu Naususu Fatu. The venue is a complex of ancient stones. The stones have a strange form so it looks unique. This is one of the natural attractions with the legacy of the past.

Stop until here seem to want to linger. A sign asked why this incredible potential only silenced only. Not have travelled to Europe if you want to see a pasture with animals-farm animals, there is enough here. No need to to the Amazon to see trees hundreds of years old, there is here also. The charm of the landscape wonderful, from 12 Pounds to a height of 2, 246km.

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